diff --git a/ChangeLog.md b/ChangeLog.md index 879a733..903d2de 100644 --- a/ChangeLog.md +++ b/ChangeLog.md @@ -1,168 +1,21 @@ -## 2.6.1 (20 November 2013) +# ChangeLog -* Updating the localization functions to that `load_textdomain` is called. -* Removing plugin textdomain -* Changing 'decomment' to 'uncomment' -* changing all 'TODO' to '@TODO' -* Removed the trailing slash (@jameswlane) -* Revert "Extended and aligned comment header" (@franz-josef-kaiser) -* Extended and aligned comment header (@franz-josef-kaiser) -* Update class-plugin-name-admin.php (@rockaut) -* Replaced deleted comment block (@akshayraje) -* Updated plugin-name.php to get all name replacement changes at one place (@akshayraje) -* Fix textdomain not loading (@neverything) -* Fix $plugin_basename to allow plugin_action_links (@neverything) +* Last updated 18 March 2014 -## 2.6.0 (1 November 2013) +## About This Branch -* Adding includes, admin/includes, public/includes for housing libraries and dependecies (garyjones) -* Merging changes from the previous, untagged version, into this version -* Removing left over files from the plugin root -* Moving all public-specific functionality into the public subdirectory -* Moving all admin-specific functionality into the admin subdirectory -* Loading the admin class only if the dashboard is being loaded -* Added a TODO for Plugin_Name::Version (grappler) -* Replacing plugin-name with plugin_slug and removed a TODO (grappler) -* Added a 'TODO' to prmpt the user to change the plugin name (haleeben) -* Updating the class-plugin-name.admin.php (will83) -* Updating references to the languages directory -* Update plugin-name.pos (grappler) -* Including more information about the GitHub Upater -* Updating the read me to include the new features of the boilerplate -* Adding whitespace between the header and the markup of the views -* Removing a lot of whitespace, updating function comments, and comment blocks within a function, and making sure no comments exceed 80 characters -* Adding a 'TODO' so users can more easily find where all they need to supply the name of their plugin -* Update README.txt (grappler) -* Defining a section to provide links for recommended tools -* Adding a 'GitHub Plugin URI' to the wordpress-plugin header -* Updating the javascript to include more whitespace as per the WordPress JavaScript Coding Standards -* Update inline documentation (grappler) -* Add admin class (grappler) -* Update $plugin_slug comment (barryceelen) -* Place options page under 'Settings' in stead of 'Plugins' menu (barryceelen) -* Replace plugin-name with $this->plugin_slug in add_action_links (barryceelen) -* Removes 'Change 'plugin-name' to the name of your plugin' from DocBlock (barryceelen) -* Mention uninstall.php in code comment (barryceelen) -* Removes reference to register_uninstall_hook from code comment (barryceelen) -* Initialize plugin on plugins_loaded hook (barryceelen) -* Change default capability to 'manage_options' (nextgenthemes) -* Make WP_LANG_DIR constant safer (GaryJones) -* Replacing `$this->version` by the new class constant (GeertDD) -* Update activate_new_site did_action to become Yoda condition (thuijssoon) -* Fix typo and move add_filter under menu add_action (Grappler) -* Storing plugin version in a class constant (GeertDD) -* Removing useless closing php tags (GeertDD) -* Fix loading textdomain when the plugin is symlinked (andrejcremoznik) -* Fix typo (grappler) -* Add action link to plugin page (grappler) -* Replacing all instances of PluginName with PluginName as per the WordPress Coding Standards -* Added multisite activation/deactivation functionality. (thuijssoon) -* Adding index.php with silence is golden security method (danielantunes) -* Added empty array for dependency to fix version number. (tokkonopapa) -* Updating `PluginName` to `Plugin_Name` to follow the WordPress Coding Standards -* Removing some whitespace in the first line of the README file -* Removing an unnecessary apostrophe from the Boilerplate README.txt +The WordPress Plugin Boilerplate is being rewritten from the ground up and will be officially released in the `master` branch as `2.7.0`. -## 2.5.1 (17 May 2013) +In order to prevent any interference with the latest stable version, the `develop` branch was created starting with `0.1.0` as per [semver](http://semver.org/). -* Updating a reference to the plugin slug +Once `develop` reaches it's official stable state (that is, `1.0.0`), it will be merged into `master` as `2.7.0`. -## 2.5.0 (16 May 2013) +## 0.1.0 (18 March 2014) -* Updating `readme.txt` to be up to standard with the current WordPress Plugin Repository demo -* Updating page-level DocBlocks for consistency - -## 2.4.0 (15 May 2013) - -* Renaming and updating references in the pot file to match the new file names -* Renaming all `display` files to `public` (i.e., `display.js` to `public.js`) -* Updating references in comments and in code to the plugin class files and plugin files -* Updating the way the plugin terminates execution if accessed directly -* Updating code comments, clearing extraneous whitespace -* Renaming files to be more consistent with the example name of the plugin -* Renaming 'plugin-boilerplate' to 'plugin-name' to be more consistent with the naming conventions of the class file -* Adding a sample screenshot to match the example WordPress Plugin Repository `readme.txt` -* Removing the plugin version constant in favor of a property in the plugin class -* Adding proper page-level DocBlocks - -## 2.3.0 (13 May 2013) - -* Moving the activation hooks outside of the class and marking the methods as static -* Removing the @version tag from everything but the core plugin class -* Removing deprecating @subpackage tags -* Renaming the changelog filename to follow the canonical convention -* Including an `assets` directory with sample images and instructions for how to use it -* Finalized page-level documentation to the PHP files -* Moving to the plugin boilerplate to its own class -* Adding DocBlocks to the views -* Generalizing the name, language, and email address in the `.pot` file -* Updating the DocBlock in the uninstall file -* Adding the 'Domain Path' to the header of the plugin file -* Moving the changelog into its own file -* Updating GPL licensing and adding a note about licensing with the GPL and the Apache license -* Removing terminating code comments from the admin view -* Removing the localization functions from plugin page parameters -* Adding 'Text Domain' to the plugin header -* Adding gettext and plural forms to the `.pot` file -* Replacing all midline tabs and replacing them with tabs -* Removing tabs and spaces from empty lines -* Adding a security check to prevent the plugin file from being accessed directly -* Improving spacing to better comply with coding conventions -* Adding LICENSE.txt and removing it from the plugin's header - -## 2.2.1 (10 May 2013) - -* Updating the `.pot` file as it was resulting in a minor error in one of the translation tools. - -## 2.2.0 (10 May 2013) - -* Updating the README so the demo changelog is more accurate -* Renaming the core plugin file to match the name of the plugin (specifically `plugin-boilerplate.php` from `plugin.php`) -* Removing the default `.po` file and introducing the `plugin-boilerplate.pot` catalog -* Removing all terminating code block comments -* Adding braces around the `uninstall.php` conditional -* Changing access modifiers from `private` to `protected`. See [this discussion](https://github.com/tommcfarlin/WordPress-Plugin-Boilerplate/issues/36) for more details. -* Removing redundant headers since properties, constructors, and methods are clearly defined and segmented throughout the code. - -## 2.1.0 (9 May 2013) - -* Refactoring the ternary operator in the constructor to make the code more readable for developers and to avoid returning an orphaned object -* Updating certain function names to use verbs to be clearer in their purpose -* Updating versioning in the plugin and in the `README` to use the `x.y.z` convention rather than the `x.y` convention -* Adding class property DocBlocks -* Adding `@since` tags to each of the DocBlocks for methods -* Cleaning up the PHP code formatting for easier readability -* Adding a note about POEdit and it being used as my preferred translations -* Automatically displaying the name of the plugin admin page -* Changing 'directives' to 'tags' -* Updating page-level DocBlocks for `plugin.php` and for `uninstall.php` - -## 2.0.1 (7 May 2013) - -* Updating the year of the release of 2.0 - -## 2.0.0 (7 May 2013) - -* Disabling the admin menu by default -* Initializing the attributes -* Combining the `admin_open` and `admin_close` into a single `admin` view -* Bringing some of the code up to the WordPress coding standards -* Added access modifiers for functions -* Implemented the single pattern -* **japh**. Merged upstream changes, maintained separation of uninstall functionality -* **mikkelbreum**. Restricted scripts and styles to load only on plugin settings page if it is enabled. -* **mikkelbreum**. Added the option for a plugin settings page -* **mikkelbreum**. Removed the need to customize the URL for `wp_enqueue_style` and `wp_enqueue_scripts` -* **mikkelbreum**. Corrected action book for `register_admin_styles` -* **tbwiii**. Listed jQuery as a dependency for both JavaScript sources -* **japh**. Added an `uninstall.php` placeholder -* **leewillis77**. Improved the way language files are loaded -* **wesbos**. Updated the year to 2013 - -## 1.0 (29 November 2012) - -* Official Release +* Initial commit ## Author Information -The WordPress Plugin Boilerplate was originally started and is maintained by [Tom McFarlin](http://twitter.com/tommcfarlin/), but is constantly under development thanks to the contributions from the many WordPress developers throughout the world. +The WordPress Plugin Boilerplate was originally written by [Tom McFarlin](http://twitter.com/tommcfarlin/), but is now under development thanks to the contributions from the many WordPress developers throughout the world. + +The current `develop` branch is maintained by Tom McFarlin, Ulrich Pogson, Josh Eaton, and Brad Vincent.